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Happy 234th Birthday, USMC!!!

Happy 234th Birthday, USMC!!!
Posted by Pearle (TD) Nov 10 2009 9:27AM

Ahhh yes. Today is the 234th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. I don't think it's any coincidence that the Corps started in a bar, do you? Whether you call them gyrenes, jarheads, leathernecks, devildogs, husband/wife, son/daughter or boyfriend/girlfriend, they are devastatingly good looking in their dress blues, no? Now, the Marine Corps has many traditions and the one most closely associated with THE BIRTHDAY is the Birthday Ball. I have attended plenty of Birthday balls (even went into labor at one of them) and although these fetes start off as formal, they don't end that way. I could make the post about Ball antics; however, I would like to retain at least a shred of personal dignity. Even if there is no Birthday Ball, there is always a cake cutting ceremony. The oldest and the youngest Marines in attendance receive the first two pieces. General John Lejeune's original Birthday order is read as well as a message from the Commandant. Marines greet each other on this day with a hearty "Happy Birthday" as if it were their own and in a very real way, it is. I suppose I could go on and on about why I love being a former Marine and a wife of a retired Marine, why I love the traditions of the Corps, why I love their loyalty to their fellow Marines, but today, I'll just say,"Happy Birthday" to all my fellow Marines and the people who love them. Urrahhh!!!! Pearle

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